Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Teacup and Sunshine Magic

She is my sunshine
My only sunshine
She makes me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know
How much I love her
So please don't take my sunshine

Mississippi Street Fair

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

100 Things About Me

My bestest friend Ali just did this. I found her's soo charming. Here's my attempt!

01. I believe in palm reading
02. My favorite color is white
03. I always have freshly cut flowers near by
04. Globes and maps enchant me
05. I’m addicted to traveling, to meeting people and hearing their stories.
06. Over this year I’ve grown a deep patriotism
07. My favorite BOM character is Moroni
08. Photography is my art form
09. I love a great quilt
10. Stardust is my favorite movie
11. raspberries are my favorite fruit
12. I don’t eat meat often
13. Broccoli mesmerizes me—it’s a fractal
14. I miss kissing terribly
15. Family and friends mean everything
16. Homemade strawberry ice cream sounds so good right now
17. I speak in “the voice” to my closest comrades!
18. I love Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott
19. Reading out loud to lovely listeners is my favorite pastime
20. Bettering the world is my life’s aim
21. I want to go to the moon and I really will someday
22. Campaigning for Barack Obama is my privilege
23. K, I have a love affair with horses and really want to ride one all the time. I use to take lessons. If I’d been raised on a farm, I think I’d be a complete horse-a-holic.
24. I want to go skiing with someone who won’t judge me
25. I adore kayaking.
26. I hate fake nails
27. My style is transitioning into granola chic. Probably because I love a granola boy. But I also love the Portland hippies I have met up here. I even have a Portland Recycles bag!
28. I read self help books (thanks Mom)
29. Marianne Williamson is my hero. Her book, Enchanted Love, changed my life.
30. My voice mail will make you laugh
31. Yoga makes me happy
32. I love the Logan temple
33. I’m going on a mission!
34. I wrote a children’s book once
35. I would never hold a pet mouse.
36. The game Life is a fave, babe
37. I’m sooo lucky to have an Ali and a Marc—a best girl friend and a best love!
38. I adore writing letters
39. I adore getting letters
40. Playing chess is great fun!
41. I don’t watch TV
42. Mom, I miss ya
43. Zits sort of intrigue me
44. I don’t like to run but I love how running makes me feel after the fact
45. Two words: grapefruit juice
46. I’m make wishes on random stuff
47. I name everything
48. My future kids already have names and middle names
49. Sometimes I have huge laughing fits for no apparent reason
50. Opera! What more can I say? (Though I sometimes don’t heart the stories, I always heart the music)
51. Jazz is growing on me
52. The smell of coffee…love it
53. Swing dancing…I adore swing dancing
54. Wednesdays are my favorite
55. As a libra, I’m big on balance
56. November 4th is when all the big steps in my life happen.
57. Every 4th is a special day
58. Trees. Trees. Trees.
59. I’ve been planning my wedding since I was a little girl
60. Mom says I was born 35.
61. Peonies. White peonies. Oh yeah.
62. I call close friends either yoda or crazy face or I add a ya to their name. Example: Gusya
63. I want a hammock
64. Not one for sarcasm or scary movies.
65. Give me tomatoes and mashed potatoes. I like the simple life.
66. I don’t date blondes.
67. I don’t date. LOL.
68. I like bird watching.
69. Lake Mary, that’s where I want to become engaged; it’s the most beautiful place.
70. Cocoa Café is comf.
71. Ali makes me abbreviate all things
72. Cucumbers and chocolate, uh huh
73. Don’t forget cheese. I eat cheese by the block, by itself, any time, any where.
74. I step on all the cracks in the side walk
75. I always leave a little bit of drink in my cup
76. I can’t sing but I like to
77. I collage
78. I entered the O Sweepstakes to win $250,000
79. I want to make a tent and read in it.
80. I hate anything purple flavored. Tastes like Dimetapp
81. Giving foot scrubs makes me happy
82. Florescent lights sicken me; it’s all about lamp light
83. I must make my bed
84. French. I want to speak French.
85. Dressing up! Feeling pretty! Totally my thing
86. The true me is an excellent student
87. I love public speaking because when I speak I fit in to the moment and harness its magic. It feels like heaven
88. I’m trying not to complain, to be a true optimist
89. I like painting but I’m not good at it
90. Stargazing is totally great
91. I love being mormon!
92. I wish I had a bigger bladder.
93. Bicycling is exhilarating
94. I use two swear words and only when they are sooo funny
95. My body is pretty much amazing. LOL.
96. Sometimes I just want to cuddle. Though I hate that word.
97. Mint ice cream. My fave.
98. I hate writing; I love having written.
99. I’m silly.
100. Love is my creed.

Now you try!

Remember that One Time?!

Here is a fun little game...Leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time, or a long time, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.On your mark...get your memories!!

Monday, July 7, 2008


Today I rode the bus with a blue ironing board into the city. People sort of half smiled at me. Got to the place I had previously decided to register voters when a nice police man told me I needed a permit to be on the square. So I picked up everything and sought new territory.

At a street corner, a voice said, "Hello girl with an ironing board!" And I met him. Name was Breece. He worked for Green Peace, an organization devoted to saving the environment. "Every day a football field of the boreal forest is chopped down to make kleenex. And one box of kleenex took 90 years to grow," he told me. And his kindness couldn't be shrugged away so as he led me to the next hoppin' corner I agreed to save the planet with him.

Registered 9 new voters on that corner. Met a Pete and a John and some European teenagers (all of whom cheered over my Obama pin!). Gave away oreos and humored many with my blue ironing board. I couldn't not smile. Oregonians are so fabulous. People gave me the thumbs up all day. Several people checked in on me. "How's business?," they'd ask after walking back my way. One man told me my set up was the best he'd seen in 40 years. Maybe he just thought I was cute. But maybe it had something to do with the character of an ironing board and a hand made sign, a big smile and a plate of oreos melting in the sun.

It's grass roots. It's the change coming from the bottom up. And today I couldn't help but think of the future (something I'm trying really hard not to do), when I can tell my grandchildren that I stood on street corners with a blue ironing board, registering voters to reclaim our country. When I can say I volunteered with the Barack Obama campaign and the children think wow and know in their hearts that that means something special.

Journeying home, I caught a refracted bit of myself in the bus window smiling about it. Ah, today. Not just a turn of earth but a time of life. A time of life never to be forgotten. A time of life to ever love.

Friday, July 4, 2008

People I Miss and Love Beyond Measure

These guys




Mom and Gaylen the Beloved