Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm Yours

A little collage for today, view from the sofa
 Today is one of those soul days. All I want to do is day-dream and collage, take pictures, and delight in little beautiful things, (too bad I have so much homework, but a little blogging will suffice.)

It's strange being in this place between college and the beyond. I've been thrashing away at a dense jungle of thoughts: what do I want to do after this? What am I going to do with an art history degree? (Get a master's said the advisor. And then what, said I. Get your P.H.D. said he. Then what, said I. Compete for the job 800 other people want, came his reply, and inwardly I rolled my eyes.) First I was asking, What would be the most impressive thing I could do? But when that brought me no joy I asked, what would be the easiest thing to do? But that felt empty too. Then I asked, what would be the most authentic thing to do? And here, I got somewhere new. But still, another question begged to be posed. It was, what can I do for heaven?
So I have been sitting here, thinking about that in my favorite place. I like to look around the room and with my eyes, drink in inspiration. It's a little present--my revelation--and I'm opening it slowly. It can only be opened in sacredness. I cannot rush the process. Here I'm reminded of a poem a good friend shared with me by Martin Luther.

He wrote: This life therefore is not righteousness, but growth in righteousness, not health, but healing, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it, the process is not yet finished, but it is going on, this is not the end, but it is the road. All does not yet gleam in glory, but all is being purified.”

 Here I see "my growth." All I want to do these days is play the cello, take pictures, and be a mom.A baby to take care of that looks like my Marc...maybe with red hair...that's my wish, the wish I made on a dying dandelion at the end of summer. Lately when nannying I savor the cuddling after naps, the sweet little boy who throws his arms around my neck and likes to listen to me sing.
roses from my mom's garden
When I think of these dreams that I love, my insides sing too and I feel as light as cream. Maybe it's not enough, I tell myself. How do you expect to be able to stand alone? Where is the feminist in you? And part of me tries to stir her up, to make her want Harvard or the edge of the horizon. But the desire for that cannot be conjured. What has happened to me? I used to think success meant a prestigious school, a P.H.D, the Peace Corps. And I think it can still be found there too.

Maybe it's that I feel heaven inviting me to create home and family like a sun-soaked sofa would urge me over for a long, golden afternoon nap. It's a warm feeling and I want to say I'm yours. I'm yours. I'm yours. I'm yours with all of my heart.

Monday, August 15, 2011

white respites

How I love a cloudy, dreamy escape. My friend Kiirsten got married this weekend and she let me take home some roses. Don't you like putting flowers all over the house? My dream is to have garden after garden in my yard and quiet places carved out of all the beauty for resting and imagining.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Holy Places

A year ago Marc and I took a little trek up to holy Lake Mary--the place I had said I wanted to one day get engaged. There, we knelt down on a rock, and promised ourselves to eachother. Then he pulled out a little box and put a sparkling ring on my finger. This weekend we made our pilgramage back to the spot--this time equipped with snow shoes, a sled, and ten months of marriage under our belts. I've found in these last few months that our differences and our challenges are our "holy work." We climb rocks and leap over streams and then reach beautiful vistas together.

After Lake Mary, we went to another holy place. It's always bliss to walk into the temple. It's like striding through a wall of warm peace. Everyone whispers; there's no sense of time or rush. It's white and heavenly and you wear all white too. Marc always seems his most loving, grown up self there and I tease him that that's why we go.

My sister Olivia and her husband Skyler went with us and afterwards we went to the Dodo for tollhouse pie a la mode.

Love, sledding, pie, peace, and good friends.  What a day.

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Dream Come True

Ever since I saw the film "Sophie's Choice" back in high school, I have wanted to play the cello. Sophie made it look and sound so beautifully feminine, sensual, warm and deep.  Her instrument vibrated richly against her pregnant belly. Even before her baby would know her, he would associate her with those comforting, encompassing strains. Music has never been my strength but I feel so enthusiastic about this, I could burst. Earlier this week, I went and found a magnificent student cello for a great price and Marc and I picked it up this morning. Lessons start Tuesday! It's a dream come true. What's your dream?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Road Trip!!

Last weekend we drove down to California to stay with friends in Yosemite Valley. The beauty on the way stunned us; the journey was certainly spectacular: I enjoyed just talking to Marc, buying an ice cream cone from a gas station, laughing, and watching the sun hit the earth in golden glory.

 We hiked five miles for a breathtaking view of all of Yosemite's splendor.  We didn't even speak for a bit.
 Half dome.
 I just included this because I think he's handsome.

 Marc has always been in love with trees. So we went to see the Sequoias.

 Absolutely amazing.

Thank you Nate and Rosalyn for the great weekend!

Monday, May 9, 2011

there is beauty all around

There is an inner and an outer beauty about today.
 Color and cheer play within and without. Seeing it all--that's the miracle.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Drive Inn

So this begins a series of Posts by Man. They shall be known as Man Posts. "Very original," says Jacq. "Let me create!" says I. Well, I couldn't be off to a better start.

We went to one of our favorite ice cream shops. I hope everyone knows this place.

See that!? It's so big it's coming out of the cup!

And of course you gotta love the ol' signage. Not sure what the Lone Ranger has to do with bread though.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Nests!

We don't have Easter baskets so I made us an Easter nest from the things around the yard. At first I dyed the eggs a bluish green but I think white looks purer. It was a delight to create. Thanks Tressa for sharing the egg shell idea!

As light as Eyre!

The semester is over and I feel as light as air! To celebrate, my best friend Ali and I went to see the new Jane Eyre movie. Perhaps it was extra delicious to me after having been so stressed for the last two weeks, but I absolutely loved it. So many scenes seemed to be taken straight from my own imagination. I couldn't believe how perfect it was.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


It feels so good to come home at night. I love being inside and hearing rain and tumult going on without. So nice to dwell in lamp light. So wonderful to just sink into home.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"I too overflow."

“I too overflow; my desires have invented new desires. My body knows un-heard of songs. Time and again I, too, have felt so full of luminous torrents that I could burst—burst with forms much more beautiful than those which are put up in frames…” cixous

I've been working on essays all day. I came across the above passage just now and fell in love with it. The same feeling has rushed over me from time to time. It's a longing to create beauty, to project it out for others to see, to live in it as much as it lives in me...

Anyone know what I mean? Do you too overflow?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gotta love finals...

they make a beautiful mess.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy Special Day!!!!

Marc and I met in high school. Started dating the 4th of December, 2005. Since then, we've always had a little HURRAH! on every 4th of the month. 7 months ago we married, but I think we were married long before that in our hearts. I wish everyone true love today!

Friday, April 1, 2011

That enchantment
that I lightly
took out of the
lovely April
is for ever.
~Leonie Adams

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tea Party!

I hosted a tea party for my beautiful sister this weekend.

This was a spiritual shower of sorts. We gave her the painting of Christ that you see behind her.

The girls busted out my wedding album. Go!

I love this floral summer skirt. It brought some whimsy to it all. (Haha, I bought it at whimsy boutique!)

My neighbor hand carves stamps. I borrowed letters to make these name tags on my left over wedding stationary.

This cake came from a little pastry shop down the street. I thought it looked great on the green glass pedestal accompanied with my bluish-green furniture.

I love these spoons. Thanks Mom!

This is my wondrous mother.

Everyone wore white. These are a mix of our greatest friends.