Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Remember that One Time?!

Here is a fun little game...Leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time, or a long time, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.On your mark...get your memories!!


Our life 2.0 said...

Remember that one time with my mother in law canceling her Mary Kay party at the last minute and you and Marc took pity on me and let me teach my first class to you both!? Marc was such a good sport! Thanks again!

Ali said...

Remember that one time when we ran to the store and then carried our groceries home in the rain? Or remember that one time when we would walk through campus and say, "Obama" to the passers-by. Or remember that one time when we walked down the duck pond path like grandmas? Or how we were roommates for two weeks? That was my favorite.

I love you, face.

kathy w. said...

Remember when I found your blog? I do, because it just happened. Happy day!
I remember making valentine's cards with you. My card was all about the glitter glue, which I sort of regret.

Olivia Ostler said...

Remember that time we were stranded at target and bought like twelve pudding packs and ate them all!? Hahaha!

Remember when we were all three lying in bed and crisened liz with the indian name of "little jerk"?

Remember in Montana when every time we saw an Obama sign we'd subcontiously say "obama"?

Remember at brighton girls camp when the councilers threatened to put rocks in our packs if we complained but they wouldn't touch me because i was so mad and had dirt covering half my body?

Do you remember when we were really little and we were walking home from Crestview by our church and it was raining really hard? i thought i was going to die because i had little holes in my shoes and you carried me across the gutter that was over flowing? hahahaha! funny memory!

do you remember that i can't spell to save my life?

Olivia Ostler said...

remember when we made liz eat dirt?